Residential Solar Utah
By using solar power to supplement the household’s electrical needs, solar panels can reduce or eliminate the household’s electricity bill. Solar electricity is better than regular electricity for being more reliable and for providing backup electricity during blackouts. For this reason, residential solar in Utah is becoming increasingly popular with both commercial and residential clients.
- Cost Savings
- Increased Home Value
- Solar Works Everywhere
- Environmental
- Tax Incentives & Rebates
- Monthly Savings On Power
- Solar Is Green Energy
- Electricity During Outages
- Save up to 80%+ On Electricity
- Easy To Maintain
- Electric Rates Keep Rising

Ready For Solar For Your Residence?
SolarTek.Energy Residential Solar Specialists!
There are several different types of solar technologies, but the most common is solar thermal energy. This technology converts sunlight directly into thermal energy that can be used to heat up water and air. Panels can be installed on the roof, on the ground, or in the field to create this thermal energy flow. In addition to providing electricity in large quantities, solar thermal energy also provides a number of environmental benefits. These benefits include reducing the number of fossil fuels needed to produce electricity as well as minimizing the number of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere.
Because solar panels have become so affordable recently, more people are starting to investigate solar electricity as an option for their home. In addition to saving money on their electric bills, many people have also begun using solar power to help offset their monthly heating and cooling expenses.

Frequent Questions
How Much Does Residential Solar Cost In Utah?
This would vary based on the size of the home, the demand, and how much solar you wanted on demand.
How Much Can I Save With Residential Solar?
You can technically go completely off-grid and in some cases actually, be paid for power in some areas. However, to go this route can be very expensive. It’s affordable to cover about 80% of your energy usage with Solar but the last 20% typically costs a lot more as it requires a lot of advanced technology and designing.
Does Solar Work In The Winter?
Absolutely, however, because winter month days are shorter you have less daylight therefore the output is lower during winter months.
What's The Incentives & Rebates On Solar?
Solar power credits and incentives vary year to year. But more information can be obtained by contacting us or your local government.